Cant Sleep? 7 Signs You Should Have a Professional Sleep Evaluation
Do you toss and turn at night? An estimated 50-70 million adults in the US have a sleep disorder. This means there are a lot of people awake at night with you, but you don’t need to struggle in fact, it’s unhealthy when you do.
Sleep is essential to your physical and mental health. Poor sleep affects your judgment, mood, and ability to learn. It also puts you at a higher risk of serious accidents and injuries. Struggling with sleep long-term can increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early death.
Do you have a sleep disorder?
If you’re like most people, you think of sleep apnea when you hear the term sleep disorder. But other conditions make sleep difficult, like restless leg syndrome, insomnia, and narcolepsy. Let’s discuss some specific symptoms you may have that indicate you need a professional sleep evaluation by our skilled doctors at Sound Sleep Health.
You wake up tired
Do you wake up after a full eight hours of sleep feeling like you barely slept? If so, you may have a condition only a sleep study can find. Sleep disorders decrease the quality of sleep as well as the number of hours of sleep you get. This can leave you groggy when you should be ready to start your day.
You cant fall asleep
Insomnia makes it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. It leaves you feeling tired, lacking energy and focus, and may even cause poor performance at work or school.
Other sleep disorders can make falling asleep difficult, so don’t just assume you have insomnia. If you struggle falling or staying asleep, make an appointment with our healthcare team to get the right diagnosis and treatment.
You are restless at night
If you wake up in the morning to find you partner irritable and tired because you kept tossing and turning all night long, it may be time for a sleep study. Your sleep disorder may cause trouble breathing that you don’t even realize you have. Poor sleep quality and difficulty breathing cause you to kick, thrash, or jerk at night.
If you wake up wrapped in your sheets, come in for a professional sleep evaluation.
You are a noisy sleeper
Do you snore, snort, or gasp for air at night? Noise, while you sleep, may mean you have a narrowed upper airway. Some people snore and don’t have apnea, so you need to see our doctors to get the right diagnosis.
You struggle to stay awake during the day
Everyone gets sleepy during the day. But if you sit to watch TV, read a book, or relax and cant keep yourself from falling asleep, you may have a sleep disorder.
You lack focus or concentration
When you get poor-quality sleep at night, you may also feel unproductive and irritable during the day.
You fit the profile
Your age, sex, lifestyle, and genetics can increase your risk of sleep disorders.
The risk of sleep apnea increases with age. It is more common in older men than women, but younger women are at a higher risk than younger men. Drinking alcohol, smoking, and being overweight also increase your risk of sleep apnea. And if sleep disorders run in your family, you are likely to struggle too.
Make your appointment
If you’ve been nodding in agreement as you read the list above, aren’t you ready to feel better? Our doctors are here to help. Call us or use our online appointment request system to make your appointment today.